Herbal Cream
Our Testo cream stimulates muscle growth. Increases endogenous production. Stimulates testosterone levels. Increases sexual desire. Regulates production of sperm in males. Increase hormone function. Ingredients: Fenugreek, Horny Goat Weed, Korean Ginseng, Saw Palmetto and Tribulus.
Our Varicose cream are known for their ability not only to strengthen blood vessels and inhibit swelling but also help to reduce and rid the legs of unsightly veins. It will assist with conditions like leg ulcers, skin problems bruising and chronic venous insufficiency. It is an anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. Ingredients: Calendula, Rosemary, Hawthorn, Ginger, Cayenne, Skullcup, Gotu Kola, Grape Seed Oil, Essential Oils and Lemon Grass.
Our V-Care cream helps for vaginal itching and types of infections. Have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Use together with the V-Care Drops for best results. For best results use in conjunction with V-Care drops. Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Barberry, Black Cohosh, Calendula, Goldenseal, Neem, Taheebo Bark and Sage.
Our Wart cream are formulated to help with warts. Have anti-fungal, anti-infection, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical properties. Ingredients: Camphor Oil, Flowers of Sulphur, Wormwood, Mineral Base Cream, Thuja, Black Walnut, Pau D'Arco, Turmeric, Burdock, Sutherlandia.
Our Stretch Mark cream improves the appearance of stretch marks. Improve skin conditions. Ingredients: Gotu Kola, Vitamin E, Aloe Ferrox, Flaxseed Oil, Lavender and Grape Seed Oil.
Our Progest cream helps to replace progesterone. Ingredients: Wild Yam, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Base Cream and Cheste Berry.
Our Pilex cream are formulated to help with haemorrhoids and also benefits varicose veins. Ingredients: Bilberry, Butchers Broom, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, Goldenseal, Gotu Kola, Neem, White Oak, Witch Hazel, Yellow Dock and Mineral Base Cream. For best results use in conjunction with Pilex drops.
Facial herbal cream for all skin types. Anti-Wrinkle. Ingredients: Germanium, Kigela Africana, Kemaben, Aloe Vera, Carotino Oil, Olive Oil, Evening Primrose and Mineral base cream.
Facial and body herbal cream for all skin types. Eczema, acne, psoriasis, skin allergies, nappy rash, mosquito bites, bed sores, cold sores, sun spot, heel balm, blemishes, anti-wrinkle, acts as sun block. Ingredients: Bulbinella, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and Mineral Base Cream.
Medi Burn was formulated for burns. It is used in hospitals against 3de degree burns. Can be used for any form of burns including nappy rash. It helps to improve the skin condition. Helps for cracked skin. It is a heel balm. It improves the cuticles of the nails and conditions the skin in general. Can be used as a lip balm and can be used for any dry skin. Ingredients: Acriflavine Emulsion 0, 1% m/v, Ung Emulsificans BP, Baby Musk and Tea Tree Oil.
Our Inflamma Rub cream will help for sprained muscles, bruises, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, gout, inflammation of the joints, muscle pain, cramps, poor circulation, rheumatic pain and infections. Ingredients: Arnica, Horsetail, Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cayenne, Olive Oil, Winter Green and Hawthorn.
Our Cellulite cream are formulated to mobilise fat through lipolysis and returns it to the bloodstream where it can be utilized for energy, ensuring loss of centimetres. Continual use will ensure a firmer and more contoured appearance, softening of the skin, improving elasticity and reducing of cellulite bumps and orange peel appearance. Will help to break down and remove fatty tissue from the body in the affected areas. Improves blood circulation and detoxifies the skin of cellulite. For optimal results use in conjunction with Turbo Slim. Ingredients: Fennel Oil, Gingko Biloba, Chickweed, Cleavers, Grape Seed, Grapefruit, Gotu Kola, Kelp, Caritino Oil, Olive Oil and Mineral Base Cream.
Canse herbal cream was formulated to protect the skin naturally from the UV rays. It will help skin cancer and improve skin condition. It will help for eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies, burns, bruises, excessively dry skin and pigmentation of the skin, cuts, bites, nappy rash, grazes, mosquito bites, cracked lips, cold sores, bee stings and stops bleeding. A general all over skin care cream. Acts as a great sun block to prevent burning. Ingredients: Kigelia Africana, Bulbinella, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and Mineral Base Cream.
Our Bacfungi cream helps for skin bacteria and fungi. Ingredients: Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, Calendula and Mineral Base Cream.
Our Babies Own cream helps for any skin condition, Eczema, Skin Allergies, Nappy Rash, Grazes, Mosquito Bites, Bruises, Burns, Bites, Cold Sores, Dry skin, Cuts and acts as an Anti Infection. Leave Babies skin soft and protected against harmful elements. Acts as a Sun Block. Ingredients: Kigela Africana, Baby Musk, Bilbenella, Aloe Vera, Minerals, Vitamin E, OliveOil, Comfrey and Mineral Base Cream
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