Our Flu-mix drops helps for coughs, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, influenza, laryngitis, sore throat, loosens phlegm, pleurisy, hay fever, tonsillitis, colds, flu, catarrh, allergies, improves the immune function, fights viruses and bacteria, acts as an anti-septic and anti-oxidant.  It is a general tonic for the respiratory tract.

Ingredients: Boneset, Cayenne, Lobelia, Goldenseal, Goldenrod Echinacea, Eyebright, Coltsfoot, Mullein, Thyme, Billberry, Elcampane, Marshmallow, Elderflower, Sutherlandia, Pau D”Arco, Burdock, Feverfew, Agrimony , Alfalfa , Astragalus , Bearberry , Cat's Claw , Cleavers , Gingko Biloba , Myrrh , Peppermint , Sage , Slippery Elm , Spirulina  and Yarrow.


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